mahatria ra Images

Best 100+ mahatria ra Messages, Quotes, and Images

mahatria ra Thoughts

mahatria ra Thoughts

Decide to be happy in life. Make happiness your way of life.

Author: mahatria ra

Mahatria Ra Quotes Images

Mahatria Ra Quotes Images

In spite of all the external differences, from the deep within, we are connected to each other. We are spiritual relatives .

Author: mahatria ra

Mahatria Ra Messages

Mahatria Ra Messages

Have such goals in life, even if you fail to achieve, it should be a success to human potential.

Author: mahatria ra

Short Mahatria Ra Quotes

Short Mahatria Ra Quotes

The better you are, the more effective you can be at the top. So, seek to be a leader and not a mere follower .

Author: mahatria ra

Simple Mahatria Ra Messages

Simple Mahatria Ra Messages

Only if there is proper balancing of colors it makes a painting. Life is all about balance .

Author: mahatria ra

Mahatria Ra Thoughts

Mahatria Ra Thoughts

In love & bliss, find peace, In peace, discover silence. In silence, you dissolve into the divine.

Author: mahatria ra

Mahatria Ra Messages Images

Mahatria Ra Messages Images

Reading a book gives us the habit of solitary reflection and true enjoyment.

Author: mahatria ra

Short Mahatria Ra Messages

Short Mahatria Ra Messages

Nature has its charm, in silence and also in its fickle moods, Those who love its moods, enjoy it!.

Author: mahatria ra

Unique Mahatria Ra Thoughts

Unique Mahatria Ra Thoughts

Yes to 3 A's: Accept, Adjust, and Appreciate. No to 3 C's Never Criticize, Condemn, or Complain .

Author: mahatria ra

Simple Mahatria Ra Quotes

Simple Mahatria Ra Quotes

Forgiveness is an act of compassion for our imperfect natures.

Author: mahatria ra

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A real leader uses every issue, no matter how serious and sensitive, to ensure that at the end of the debate we should emerge stronger and more united than ever before.

A real leader uses every issue, no matter how serious and sensitive, to ensure that at the end of the debate we should emerge stronger and more united than ever before.

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Never forget that when we are silent, we are one. And when we speak we are two.

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The living word awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, joy, set it free!

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It can be called a

It can be called a "Decision", only if, you don't negotiate on it after making the decision else it's a mere wish .

Author: mahatria ra