Indira Gandhi Images

Best 100+ Indira Gandhi Messages, Quotes, and Images

Indira Gandhi Thoughts

Indira Gandhi Thoughts

A nation' s strength ultimately consists in what it can do on its own, and not in what it can borrow from others.

Author: Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi Quotes Images

Indira Gandhi Quotes Images

There are only moments of happiness - from contentment to ecstacy.

Author: Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi Messages

Indira Gandhi Messages

I fall in love with anything I do and I always try to do it well.

Author: Indira Gandhi

Short Indira Gandhi Quotes

Short Indira Gandhi Quotes

I think one should do what seems right. And if what seems right involves danger...well, one must risk the danger.

Author: Indira Gandhi

Simple Indira Gandhi Messages

Simple Indira Gandhi Messages

I was a perfect housewife. Being a mother has always been the job I liked best. Absolutely.

Author: Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi Thoughts

Indira Gandhi Thoughts

I'm trained to difficulties; difficulties can't be eliminated from life.

Author: Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi Messages Images

Indira Gandhi Messages Images

In all communities you find groups that behave badly. But you must understand them too.

Author: Indira Gandhi

Short Indira Gandhi Messages

Short Indira Gandhi Messages

what is popular need not necessarily be right or wise.

Author: Indira Gandhi

Unique Indira Gandhi Thoughts

Unique Indira Gandhi Thoughts

The old need the company of the young so that they renew their contact with life.

Author: Indira Gandhi

Simple Indira Gandhi Quotes

Simple Indira Gandhi Quotes

Sometimes friends are dangerous. We must be very careful about the help friends give us.

Author: Indira Gandhi

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Great things can happen when you don't care who gets the credit.

Great things can happen when you don't care who gets the credit.

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My mission is to bring up unlimited leaders in India and in the whole world.

My mission is to bring up unlimited leaders in India and in the whole world.

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Failure cannot find me until my success will get stronger.

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Death is nothing else but going home to God, the bond of love will be unbroken for all eternity.

Death is nothing else but going home to God, the bond of love will be unbroken for all eternity.

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You will achieve more in this world through acts of mercy than you will through acts of retribution.

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I've never understood women who, because of their children, pose as victims and don't allow themselves any other activities.

I've never understood women who, because of their children, pose as victims and don't allow themselves any other activities.

Author: Indira Gandhi