Guru Nanak Dev Quotes

Best 100+ Guru Nanak Dev Messages, Quotes, and Images

Guru Nanak Dev Thoughts

Guru Nanak Dev Thoughts

Like the juggler, deceiving by his tricks, one is deluded by egotism, falsehood and illusion.

Author: Guru Nanak Dev

Guru Nanak Dev Quotes Images

Guru Nanak Dev Quotes Images

Only fools argue whether to eat meat or not. They don't understand truth nor do they meditate on it. Who can define what is meat and what is plant Who knows where the sin lies, being a vegetarian or a non vegetarian

Author: Guru Nanak Dev

Guru Nanak Dev Messages

Guru Nanak Dev Messages

Do not wish evil for others. Do not speak ill of others. Do not obstruct anyones activities.

Author: Guru Nanak Dev

Short Guru Nanak Dev Quotes

Short Guru Nanak Dev Quotes

Be kind to all beings, this is more meritorious than bathing at the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage and donating money.

Author: Guru Nanak Dev

Simple Guru Nanak Dev Messages

Simple Guru Nanak Dev Messages

Truth is the highest virtue, but higher still is truthful living.

Author: Guru Nanak Dev

Guru Nanak Dev Thoughts

Guru Nanak Dev Thoughts

With your hands carve out your own destiny.

Author: Guru Nanak Dev

Guru Nanak Dev Messages Images

Guru Nanak Dev Messages Images

As fragrance abides in the flower As reflection is within the mirror, So does your Lord abide within you, Why search for him without?

Author: Guru Nanak Dev

Short Guru Nanak Dev Messages

Short Guru Nanak Dev Messages

The highest religion is to rise to universal brother hood; aye to consider all creatures your equals.

Author: Guru Nanak Dev

Unique Guru Nanak Dev Thoughts

Unique Guru Nanak Dev Thoughts

Conquer your mind and conquer the world.

Author: Guru Nanak Dev

Simple Guru Nanak Dev Quotes

Simple Guru Nanak Dev Quotes

What should the yogi have to fear? Trees, plants, and all that is inside and outside, is He Himself

Author: Guru Nanak Dev

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