Asaram Bapu Quotes

Asaram Bapu Quotes with Images

Asaram Bapu Quotes

By staying in good company and observing spiritual discipline, a man can scale great spiritual heights and become highly competent.

The best service to mankind is to become immersed in one's True Self.

A person should develop an intense yearning for the truth personified self and remain completely detach from the materialistic things.

A person should be compassionate and kind towards his inferiors, children, servants and those who are ignorant.

A person should be so engrossed in attaining divine blessings that even the thought of sensual pleasure must not come into the mind.

A person moves towards the goal of God realization if he is resolute into the welfare of society and protect its culture.

A person should avoid slandering, as it is highly distressing. Even listening to a slander regarding anybody is a huge sin.

A person should always be modest and humble in speech and conduct in order to get the divine blessings of Lord.

A person gets detached with worldly affairs and knows his inner self by the purity of words and mind.

A person is worthy of being honored by the whole world only when his mind is engaged in contemplating the Supreme Lord.

A person gets the blessings of God from the faith and belief that he has for the Lord.

A person gets inner peace by the way of meditation and there he gets regulated rise of devotion and fall of vices.

A person equipped with physical health, will power and a subtle intellect, attains both worldly pleasure and salvation.

A person can accomplish all great tasks by valor, bravery, determination and strength of opinion.

A person can rule the world with the pious knowledge of the Supreme Lord if he is unaffected by the worldly attractions.

A person desiring happiness should practice detachment. One who is free from worries of earning wealth has a sound sleep.

A person can overcome forces of negative emotions, like anger and hatred, by cultivating their counter forces like love and compassion.

A man, who uses his knowledge and experience in a right direction, gets self confidence and achieves success.

A momentary spiritual repose experienced by mind is more valuable than an inexhaustible treasure of wealth.

A man whose heart is free from doubt and away from passion, attains the supernatural powers of the Supreme Lord.

A man whose mind gets free from hatred completely, becomes the supreme devotee.

A man who wants to elevate his life, should be inquisitive and inquire into the truth. One should be alert in the sense of inquiry.

A man, who performs all his duties with courage and patience, experiences success and achieves the goal.

A man who thinks of the different forms of God selflessly, gets the blessings and sympathy of the Supreme Lord.

A man who thinks of God with total devotion, God himself takes care of the welfare of those devotees.

A man, who struggles without involving in desire, anger or hatred, he forges no bonds of the activities and becomes free.

A man who leads his life calmly and remains devoted to the God, starts obtaining all the superior things.

A man who performs his duties with complete knowledge, selflessness and devotion, gets the blessings of the Supreme Lord.

A man who performs all his duties, can experience the ultimate happiness and divine peace.

A man who maintains mental and emotional balance even in the adverse situations, gets rid of all his worries.

A man who keeps positive and optimistic thoughts, always remains happy and gets rid of all the darkness.

A man, who has mastered his senses, is exclusively devoted to his practice and is full of faith, attains knowledge.

One who is able to control all his desires through meditation, experiences the spiritual level.

A person should have firm faith and trust in God, so that his heart gets colorful with the divine hue of devotion to the Lord.

Brightness of spirituality makes a devotee bright like a fire which in turn enlightens the whole world around him.

Blessed are the ones who spread noble thoughts and goodwill and distribute spiritual literature in the society.

Attachment causes fear, grief and bondage in the beginning while it brings remorse in the end as the additional gift.

Believing in God helps developing the intellect and enables one to cultivate divine virtues and finally realizes God.

Belief and faith awakens the spiritual powers inside a person which gives the ultimate happiness to the man.

Behind every misfortune is hidden an inspiration to be alert. On the other hand, behind every pleasure there are hidden vanity and misery.

At the time of worldly enjoyment, you do not get pleasure but lose your strength, intellectual prowess, radiance, health and longevity

As one sows, so does he reap, whatever you give to others, does verily come back to you in due course of time.

At the time of sorrow, one should earnestly pray to God and express his feelings of grief to him, rather then suppressing them.

At the stage of deep meditation, a devotee forgets his own existence and gets rid of all kinds of worldly affairs.

As the soul is eternal, its love for the Lord too must bring eternal bliss. It is true love only that gives eternal happiness

An ignoble person becomes endowed with noble virtues in the company of those who are virtuous.

As long as one does not get the bliss and knowledge of the indwelling self supreme, fails to get real and abiding happiness.

An individual becomes generous and kind if he has realized true self and attained the bliss of divine love through supreme knowledge.

An individual should strive to get a glimpse of those blessed saints whose minds are satiated with the bliss of self repose.

An individual can attain absolute bliss and happiness only if he has completely given up the old bad habits.

Always remember God is one and only power in universe. No one is equal to God. God is within every being, and yet is no dual.

An enlightened one has no connection with the body and the mind. His mind, intellect are divine and consisting of pure consciousness.

Always remember that God is within you and do work with love and good wishes for all beings, translates your actions into meditation.

Always abide in the self, with the strong faith that fear, sorrow, worry can never affect you.

Always keep in mind that the Lord always gives us more than what we deserve, more than our abilities and our labour.

Always keep your face happy and smiling. Give happiness to others, and you will get happiness.

Always have faith in God. God makes the nature subservient to the one who bears pains for the sake of God.

Along with the material knowledge of earning and living, you should also attain the knowledge of supreme Lord that liberates you.

All the energies of the world are present within us. All we need to do is to recognize those energies and utilize them properly.

All who have accomplished great things have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible.

All techniques and methods of inner development have a common goal. They all aim towards freedom and enlightenment.

All the devotions take birth from love which helps a man in experiencing the union of mankind with the supreme soul.

All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do.

All spiritual disciplines are performed through the body. If the body is weak and sick, the mind becomes similarly afflicted.

All problems like anxiety, strife, quarrels, jealousy and hatred can be ignored by changing nature.

All physical, emotional, moral and spiritual sufferings are instantaneously eliminated with self realization.

All men should make progress by gaining power and avoid nurturing malice towards anyone or hurting anybody.

All our troubles arise from our desires. Make efforts on your part but do not worry for results, be calm and have faith on God.

All evil qualities proceed from anger. If you control anger all evil qualities will vanish by themselves.

Adapt the virtue of renunciation during pleasures and you will get the strength to trample over the circumstances coming in the life.

After using all the available resources to the utmost level, a man should accept whatever result is obtained without any complaints.

After knowing real self, one realizes supreme self and will get enlightened and attain a highly elevated spiritual state.

Affirm the positive, visualize the positive and expect the positive, and your life will change accordingly.

Abandon yourself utterly for the love of God, and in this way you will become truly happy.

Actions through which an individual gets peace and happiness and takes one closer to God realization are righteous actions.

According to the universal law, good objects are acquired by all creatures and are bound to leave them as well.

Accept the things to which fate binds you and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.

A self realized man does not get swayed by the most coveted material possessions and able to get the divine grace of Supreme Lord.

Abandon all worries of what to do and what not to do. Repose and abide in God and everything will be alright.

A true devotee develops a firm belief on the divine power of Supreme Lord which ultimately makes him a virtuous and noble man.

A truly liberated soul neither broods over the past nor worries about the future but remains even minded in all situations.

A self realized man remains happy without being affected by false appearances, whereas the ignorant man is miserable.

A person will always be away from conflicts and disputes, if he uses his speech judiciously and for right purposes only.

A person with sharper intellect attains God realization and overcome every difficulty with the support of blessings and grace of Lord.

A pure character and outlook gives a man the eye of knowledge without any search or toil of any kind.

A person whose heart is free from doubt and away from passion, attains the supernatural powers of the Supreme Lord.

A person who takes control of his desires and remains free from ego, attains the blessings of the Lord.

A person who remains happy and satiated in ones own inner self with no dependence on anybody, gets the biggest form of self reliance.

A person who remains devoid of jealousy and malice, his sense of discrimination gets intact and he always attains success.

A person who opts for self bliss that is not dependent on anything or anybody, will become free and independent very effectively.

A person who never takes his work position or property for granted is humble in nature.

A person who is kind and loving, never needs to go in search of God. God rushes toward any heart that beats with compassion.

A person who leaves aside his ego and gets into the adoration of Lord, experiences divine happiness, peace and joy.

A person who holds qualities of patience, sacrifice and kindness, gets immense happiness and experiences divine knowledge.

A person who has no fear of death, who can challenge death, he alone can lead a true life and also experience the joy of living.

A person who is engaged in righteous duty with due diligence, finally attains to the supreme goal of realization of God.

A person who is involved in the welfare of the society is considered to be the true personification of Supreme Lord.

A person, who constitutes an act of sacrifice to give peace of mind to restless soul, becomes true devotee of the Supreme Lord.

A person who controls the unruly senses and the wandering mind, gets divine knowledge and blessings of the Supreme Lord.

A person who has discretion and faith in God, can follow the divine path which leads him to attain divine wealth.

A person who has good sense, who respects his or her own life, will respect great soul, scriptures and the vedas.

A person should lead his life in such a way that those who follow his footsteps get the message of devotion, love and good conduct.

A person should remain focused on attaining self realization without getting influenced by worldly pleasures.

A person should never consider a sage poor, helpless or powerless as he himself is the representative of the Lord.

A person who acquires divine knowledge will be able to attain the truth personified to your absolute self and grace of the Lord.

Financial strength does not matter to the man who is detached from the world and who feels the whole world as his own being.

Everyone has a treasure of divine capabilities within oneself. One should be careful to tap these capabilities in right earnest.

Everything depends on the mind. Nothing can be achieved without purity of mind.

Everyone should use life in the best possible way. Human life is the best gift of God which we get after doing lot of good deeds.

Everyone ought to worship God according to his own inclinations and not to be constrained by force.

Every misfortune is a harbinger of divine bliss and if we comprehend this thoroughly, both happiness and sorrow work to awaken us.

Enlightenment is the journey from head back to the heart, from words back to silence, to innocence in spite of your intelligence.

Engage oneself in the pious recollection of your immortal self and be in its holy company as often as possible.

Each challenge actually brings forth some hidden strength. The one who is able to understand this, is able to face invoke challenges.

Do your work with skill and diligence. Never leave any work unfinished because of obstacles. Do not entertain cowardice.

Dull headed people do not overcome their ego, that is the root cause for their sadness and attachment is the root of all problems.

Due to the association with devilish people, one who loses control over senses, falls into various hells and born as an immobile.

Doing work with full determination and courage is the only way to attain mental peace and Supreme Lord.

Do things that are moral, honest, and alleviate suffering. Do not do things that will bring suffering to others or yourself.

Do prayer with zeal. Those who do not do prayer zealously are not zealous in their day to day activities.

Do not worry about the future for it is not yet come. Live each day in the present and make it beautiful.

Do not tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their originality.

Do not search happiness in the money and deceit, change your beliefs and search joy in meditation, devotion and self bliss.

Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.

Do not love body because with every passing day your gross physical body is heading towards the crematorium.

Do not measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability.

Do not let circumstances influence your thoughts and moods. By rising over them mentally, you will eventually rise over them materially.

Do not forget God in happiness, just realize that eternal self of yours and all the duties of your life will be fulfilled.

Divine help starts pouring inside a person when he erases his ego and keeps the God as witness for all his thoughts and acts.

Divine bliss is the supreme experience, but to achieve that, one must devote the mind to the Supreme Lord.

Determination, power, sharp thoughts and human courage give rise to the self confidence and belief in a man.

Devoting all the abilities in serving others without seeking anything in return is the symbol of a good human being.

Devotees of God should surrender their will to the will of God and then grace of the Lord will shower on such devotees.

Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.

Desires for sensual pleasure and personal egoism are the root causes of all misery, suffering and obstacles in a man’s life.

Desire is the key to motivation that will enable you to attain the success you seek.

Death is unavoidable for all embodied creatures as everyone who is born in this world is bound for death.

Cultivate vigor, patience, will, purity, avoid malice and pride. Then, you will achieve your destiny.

Courage is the greatest of all the virtues. Because if you do not have courage, you may not have an opportunity to use any of the others.

Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air.

Contemplation should be practiced only after restraining the sense organs from any kind of feeling or imagination.

Contemplation of sense pleasures, accumulation of objects and actions is not eternal, only self contemplation is eternal.

Consciousness is eternal it is not vanquished with the destruction of the temporary body.

Confidence is that feeling by which the mind embarks in great and long honourable courses with a sure hope and trust in itself.

By wearing pure thoughts, a man of bad conduct can also become good and observes spiritual change in himself.

Character is formed from the repeated choice of thoughts and action. Make right choice and you shall have a firm and noble character.

By virtue of firm faith and determined austerities one can attained Supreme Lord and Supreme Bliss.

By virtue of devotional love and divine knowledge, all success will be at your feet. You will become capable of making others blessed.

By the power of his religious merits one can see his most benevolent father in king of hell.

By stop identifying himself with the body one can break the cycle of birth and death.

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By staying in good company and observing spiritual discipline, a man can scale great spiritual heights and become highly competent.
The best service to mankind is to become immersed in one's True Self.
A person should develop an intense yearning for the truth personified self and remain completely detach from the materialistic things.
A person should be compassionate and kind towards his inferiors, children, servants and those who are ignorant.
A person should be so engrossed in attaining divine blessings that even the thought of sensual pleasure must not come into the mind.
A person moves towards the goal of God realization if he is resolute into the welfare of society and protect its culture.
A person should avoid slandering, as it is highly distressing. Even listening to a slander regarding anybody is a huge sin.
A person should always be modest and humble in speech and conduct in order to get the divine blessings of Lord.
A person gets detached with worldly affairs and knows his inner self by the purity of words and mind.
A person is worthy of being honored by the whole world only when his mind is engaged in contemplating the Supreme Lord.
A person gets the blessings of God from the faith and belief that he has for the Lord.
A person gets inner peace by the way of meditation and there he gets regulated rise of devotion and fall of vices.
A person equipped with physical health, will power and a subtle intellect, attains both worldly pleasure and salvation.
A person can accomplish all great tasks by valor, bravery, determination and strength of opinion.
A person can rule the world with the pious knowledge of the Supreme Lord if he is unaffected by the worldly attractions.
A person desiring happiness should practice detachment. One who is free from worries of earning wealth has a sound sleep.
A person can overcome forces of negative emotions, like anger and hatred, by cultivating their counter forces like love and compassion.
A man, who uses his knowledge and experience in a right direction, gets self confidence and achieves success.
A momentary spiritual repose experienced by mind is more valuable than an inexhaustible treasure of wealth.
A man whose heart is free from doubt and away from passion, attains the supernatural powers of the Supreme Lord.
A man whose mind gets free from hatred completely, becomes the supreme devotee.
A man who wants to elevate his life, should be inquisitive and inquire into the truth. One should be alert in the sense of inquiry.
A man, who performs all his duties with courage and patience, experiences success and achieves the goal.
A man who thinks of the different forms of God selflessly, gets the blessings and sympathy of the Supreme Lord.
A man who thinks of God with total devotion, God himself takes care of the welfare of those devotees.
A man, who struggles without involving in desire, anger or hatred, he forges no bonds of the activities and becomes free.
A man who leads his life calmly and remains devoted to the God, starts obtaining all the superior things.
A man who performs his duties with complete knowledge, selflessness and devotion, gets the blessings of the Supreme Lord.
A man who performs all his duties, can experience the ultimate happiness and divine peace.
A man who maintains mental and emotional balance even in the adverse situations, gets rid of all his worries.
A man who keeps positive and optimistic thoughts, always remains happy and gets rid of all the darkness.
A man, who has mastered his senses, is exclusively devoted to his practice and is full of faith, attains knowledge.
One who is able to control all his desires through meditation, experiences the spiritual level.
A person should have firm faith and trust in God, so that his heart gets colorful with the divine hue of devotion to the Lord.
Brightness of spirituality makes a devotee bright like a fire which in turn enlightens the whole world around him.
Blessed are the ones who spread noble thoughts and goodwill and distribute spiritual literature in the society.
Attachment causes fear, grief and bondage in the beginning while it brings remorse in the end as the additional gift.
Believing in God helps developing the intellect and enables one to cultivate divine virtues and finally realizes God.
Belief and faith awakens the spiritual powers inside a person which gives the ultimate happiness to the man.
Behind every misfortune is hidden an inspiration to be alert. On the other hand, behind every pleasure there are hidden vanity and misery.
At the time of worldly enjoyment, you do not get pleasure but lose your strength, intellectual prowess, radiance, health and longevity
As one sows, so does he reap, whatever you give to others, does verily come back to you in due course of time.
At the time of sorrow, one should earnestly pray to God and express his feelings of grief to him, rather then suppressing them.
At the stage of deep meditation, a devotee forgets his own existence and gets rid of all kinds of worldly affairs.
As the soul is eternal, its love for the Lord too must bring eternal bliss. It is true love only that gives eternal happiness
An ignoble person becomes endowed with noble virtues in the company of those who are virtuous.
As long as one does not get the bliss and knowledge of the indwelling self supreme, fails to get real and abiding happiness.
An individual becomes generous and kind if he has realized true self and attained the bliss of divine love through supreme knowledge.
An individual should strive to get a glimpse of those blessed saints whose minds are satiated with the bliss of self repose.
An individual can attain absolute bliss and happiness only if he has completely given up the old bad habits.
Always remember God is one and only power in universe. No one is equal to God. God is within every being, and yet is no dual.
An enlightened one has no connection with the body and the mind. His mind, intellect are divine and consisting of pure consciousness.
Always remember that God is within you and do work with love and good wishes for all beings, translates your actions into meditation.
Always abide in the self, with the strong faith that fear, sorrow, worry can never affect you.
Always keep in mind that the Lord always gives us more than what we deserve, more than our abilities and our labour.
Always keep your face happy and smiling. Give happiness to others, and you will get happiness.
Always have faith in God. God makes the nature subservient to the one who bears pains for the sake of God.
Along with the material knowledge of earning and living, you should also attain the knowledge of supreme Lord that liberates you.
All the energies of the world are present within us. All we need to do is to recognize those energies and utilize them properly.
All who have accomplished great things have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible.
All techniques and methods of inner development have a common goal. They all aim towards freedom and enlightenment.
All the devotions take birth from love which helps a man in experiencing the union of mankind with the supreme soul.
All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do.
All spiritual disciplines are performed through the body. If the body is weak and sick, the mind becomes similarly afflicted.
All problems like anxiety, strife, quarrels, jealousy and hatred can be ignored by changing nature.
All physical, emotional, moral and spiritual sufferings are instantaneously eliminated with self realization.
All men should make progress by gaining power and avoid nurturing malice towards anyone or hurting anybody.
All our troubles arise from our desires. Make efforts on your part but do not worry for results, be calm and have faith on God.
All evil qualities proceed from anger. If you control anger all evil qualities will vanish by themselves.
Adapt the virtue of renunciation during pleasures and you will get the strength to trample over the circumstances coming in the life.
After using all the available resources to the utmost level, a man should accept whatever result is obtained without any complaints.
After knowing real self, one realizes supreme self and will get enlightened and attain a highly elevated spiritual state.
Affirm the positive, visualize the positive and expect the positive, and your life will change accordingly.
Abandon yourself utterly for the love of God, and in this way you will become truly happy.
Actions through which an individual gets peace and happiness and takes one closer to God realization are righteous actions.
According to the universal law, good objects are acquired by all creatures and are bound to leave them as well.
Accept the things to which fate binds you and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.
A self realized man does not get swayed by the most coveted material possessions and able to get the divine grace of Supreme Lord.
Abandon all worries of what to do and what not to do. Repose and abide in God and everything will be alright.
A true devotee develops a firm belief on the divine power of Supreme Lord which ultimately makes him a virtuous and noble man.
A truly liberated soul neither broods over the past nor worries about the future but remains even minded in all situations.
A self realized man remains happy without being affected by false appearances, whereas the ignorant man is miserable.
A person will always be away from conflicts and disputes, if he uses his speech judiciously and for right purposes only.
A person with sharper intellect attains God realization and overcome every difficulty with the support of blessings and grace of Lord.
A pure character and outlook gives a man the eye of knowledge without any search or toil of any kind.
A person whose heart is free from doubt and away from passion, attains the supernatural powers of the Supreme Lord.
A person who takes control of his desires and remains free from ego, attains the blessings of the Lord.
A person who remains happy and satiated in ones own inner self with no dependence on anybody, gets the biggest form of self reliance.
A person who remains devoid of jealousy and malice, his sense of discrimination gets intact and he always attains success.
A person who opts for self bliss that is not dependent on anything or anybody, will become free and independent very effectively.
A person who never takes his work position or property for granted is humble in nature.
A person who is kind and loving, never needs to go in search of God. God rushes toward any heart that beats with compassion.
A person who leaves aside his ego and gets into the adoration of Lord, experiences divine happiness, peace and joy.
A person who holds qualities of patience, sacrifice and kindness, gets immense happiness and experiences divine knowledge.
A person who has no fear of death, who can challenge death, he alone can lead a true life and also experience the joy of living.
A person who is engaged in righteous duty with due diligence, finally attains to the supreme goal of realization of God.
A person who is involved in the welfare of the society is considered to be the true personification of Supreme Lord.
A person, who constitutes an act of sacrifice to give peace of mind to restless soul, becomes true devotee of the Supreme Lord.
A person who controls the unruly senses and the wandering mind, gets divine knowledge and blessings of the Supreme Lord.
A person who has discretion and faith in God, can follow the divine path which leads him to attain divine wealth.
A person who has good sense, who respects his or her own life, will respect great soul, scriptures and the vedas.
A person should lead his life in such a way that those who follow his footsteps get the message of devotion, love and good conduct.
A person should remain focused on attaining self realization without getting influenced by worldly pleasures.
A person should never consider a sage poor, helpless or powerless as he himself is the representative of the Lord.
A person who acquires divine knowledge will be able to attain the truth personified to your absolute self and grace of the Lord.
Financial strength does not matter to the man who is detached from the world and who feels the whole world as his own being.
Everyone has a treasure of divine capabilities within oneself. One should be careful to tap these capabilities in right earnest.
Everything depends on the mind. Nothing can be achieved without purity of mind.
Everyone should use life in the best possible way. Human life is the best gift of God which we get after doing lot of good deeds.
Everyone ought to worship God according to his own inclinations and not to be constrained by force.
Every misfortune is a harbinger of divine bliss and if we comprehend this thoroughly, both happiness and sorrow work to awaken us.
Enlightenment is the journey from head back to the heart, from words back to silence, to innocence in spite of your intelligence.
Engage oneself in the pious recollection of your immortal self and be in its holy company as often as possible.
Each challenge actually brings forth some hidden strength. The one who is able to understand this, is able to face invoke challenges.
Do your work with skill and diligence. Never leave any work unfinished because of obstacles. Do not entertain cowardice.
Dull headed people do not overcome their ego, that is the root cause for their sadness and attachment is the root of all problems.
Due to the association with devilish people, one who loses control over senses, falls into various hells and born as an immobile.
Doing work with full determination and courage is the only way to attain mental peace and Supreme Lord.
Do things that are moral, honest, and alleviate suffering. Do not do things that will bring suffering to others or yourself.
Do prayer with zeal. Those who do not do prayer zealously are not zealous in their day to day activities.
Do not worry about the future for it is not yet come. Live each day in the present and make it beautiful.
Do not tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their originality.
Do not search happiness in the money and deceit, change your beliefs and search joy in meditation, devotion and self bliss.
Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.
Do not love body because with every passing day your gross physical body is heading towards the crematorium.
Do not measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability.
Do not let circumstances influence your thoughts and moods. By rising over them mentally, you will eventually rise over them materially.
Do not forget God in happiness, just realize that eternal self of yours and all the duties of your life will be fulfilled.
Divine help starts pouring inside a person when he erases his ego and keeps the God as witness for all his thoughts and acts.
Divine bliss is the supreme experience, but to achieve that, one must devote the mind to the Supreme Lord.
Determination, power, sharp thoughts and human courage give rise to the self confidence and belief in a man.
Devoting all the abilities in serving others without seeking anything in return is the symbol of a good human being.
Devotees of God should surrender their will to the will of God and then grace of the Lord will shower on such devotees.
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.
Desires for sensual pleasure and personal egoism are the root causes of all misery, suffering and obstacles in a man’s life.
Desire is the key to motivation that will enable you to attain the success you seek.
Death is unavoidable for all embodied creatures as everyone who is born in this world is bound for death.
Cultivate vigor, patience, will, purity, avoid malice and pride. Then, you will achieve your destiny.
Courage is the greatest of all the virtues. Because if you do not have courage, you may not have an opportunity to use any of the others.
Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air.
Contemplation should be practiced only after restraining the sense organs from any kind of feeling or imagination.
Contemplation of sense pleasures, accumulation of objects and actions is not eternal, only self contemplation is eternal.
Consciousness is eternal it is not vanquished with the destruction of the temporary body.
Confidence is that feeling by which the mind embarks in great and long honourable courses with a sure hope and trust in itself.
By wearing pure thoughts, a man of bad conduct can also become good and observes spiritual change in himself.
Character is formed from the repeated choice of thoughts and action. Make right choice and you shall have a firm and noble character.
By virtue of firm faith and determined austerities one can attained Supreme Lord and Supreme Bliss.
By virtue of devotional love and divine knowledge, all success will be at your feet. You will become capable of making others blessed.
By the power of his religious merits one can see his most benevolent father in king of hell.
By stop identifying himself with the body one can break the cycle of birth and death.