Corey Taylor Quotes
Corey Taylor Quotes with Images
Corey Taylor Quotes with Images
Show me on the doll where Fun is a rock band.
As much as I love Slipknot, I don't want that to carry over into what I do for Stone Sour. I want both bands to stand on their own.
I still harbor lingering doubts about most people. I guess I always will.
She has BIG feet! Oh my god, have you seen Sandra Bullocks feet? They're like the size of rulers!
I think of how and where all the horrible people I've come across in my life ended up, and I smile.
It is always the nights you cannot remember that eventually become the stories you don’t forget.
Anyone who feels that homosexuality is not only a sin but also a disease or a mental issue should take a look in the mirror and realize who the real crazy person is.
I may never let go of my wrath, my anger, but I will always have the last laugh.
You have to get to the next level, or you're gonna get stuck where you are for the rest of your life.
Mistakes you can learn from; sins stay with you forever.
If you feel like talking, you talk, if you don't, you don't
Some of the smartest people I know are metal fans.
Slipknot is the darkness; Stone Sour is the light. Slipknot is chaos; Stone Sour is structure.
Justin Bieber is a douche bag. Now that I have your attention, let's talk about cars.
If everything is happy go-lucky all the time, you don't know when you're experiencing joy and feeling life at its finest moments. You have to suffer a little.
Nobody can dare me to do anything that I don't come up with on my own.
The people I respect the least are the ones that take themselves way too seriously.
When Paris Hilton can top the bestsellers' lists, we are one more Connect Four move closer to Armageddon.
The mind is left bereft when it is nothing more than a tool of regurgitation.
I bet you a handful of Chili's coupons that Jesus had a foot fetish.
Our proximity keeps us honest. Our intentions keep us strangers.
We are defined by our dignity to rise above debasement. We are certainly better people for doing so.
You cannot kill what you did NOT create
I want karma to drive stakes into the dark hearts that keep me bitter.
You ever want to feel powerless? Watch the people you care about being hurt and know there is nothing you can do about it.
Sin is a matter of opinion. Sins are only sins if you are hurting other people.
Before you tell yourself its a different scene remember its just different from what you've seen.
Just because you did not understand us, it did not mean we were wrong.
Do you serve a purpose, or purposely serve?
Live your life, no matter what that life is.
It's amazing and sad what we have to do to survive sometimes.
Bad things happen when good people pretend nothing is wrong.
Life owes you nothing. You owe yourself everything.
The best friends you will ever have are the ones who don't make you feel like you owe them a damn thing.
Do what you do and mean it every second of the day. If you don't, you're living someone else's life.