Jase Robertson Quotes
Jase Robertson Quotes with Images
Jase Robertson Quotes with Images
My wife hates the beard. When we dated, I would grow it out during duck season. She said she could handle anything for three months - but now I have it all the time.
We simply want to follow God because we knows of the happiness it will bring, that's the reason that we chose to be open about our beliefs.
At the end of the day, I love eating duck. It's the best thing you can eat on this earth, especially grilled with jalapenos and cream cheese.
I'm into the true meaning of Christmas - Faith, Family, and Facial hair.
God's first, then family, then whatever else you love.
Go to where the ducks are. Forget the duck calls. If you go where the ducks are coming, you're going to shoot more ducks.
A duck tastes the same whether they're shot sitting or flying.
Work without fun is like peanut butter without jelly.
Where I come from your truck is a reflection of who you are.
My parents were hoarders before hoarding was cool
Group texts are the worst. They're like a terrible, technological snowball, coming down a mountain, and you can't stop it.
Frog catching is the most fun a human being can have while on this earth.
Most things in life are better when you just cut to the chase.
I don't like meat from the grocery store, it makes me nervous
I've been showing up late and dirty all my life.
The first step to dealing with a problem is admitting that you have a problem.
The bottom line is we are trying to do what's right. We don't just say we believe in God - we have active relationships with God.
When you have a flaming hot donut in your hand and your trying to eat it your not worried about 10 and 2
The No. 1 rule in duck hunting is to go where the ducks are.
When in doubt, figure it out. That's the redneck way.
Most people named Willie are either in prison or on the armwrestling circuit.
If you’re too busy to duck hunt or catch fish, then you’re too busy.
It seems a fine line between being a matador and being a rodeo clown
When you don't know what you're doing, it's best to do it quickly.
Most things can be fixed with duct tape and extension cords.
I represent Jesus on this earth and he represents me in heaven.
You can talk any redneck into a challenge. That’s why so many rednecks die in strange ways.
Through Jesus, your past is explained, your present has a purpose, and your future is secure. What more could you really want in life?