Marc Bekoff Quotes
Marc Bekoff Quotes with Images
Marc Bekoff Quotes with Images
These enthusiasts often like to hang signs that say "Gone Fishin'" or "Gone Huntin'". But what these slogans really mean is "Gone Killing.
Some people say they love animals and yet harm them nonetheless; I'm glad those people don't love me.
We must remain hopeful that a universal ethic of courage, caring, sharing, respect, radical compassion, and love will make a difference even if we do not see the positive results of our efforts... We can never be too generous or too kind.
It's bad biology to rob nonhuman animals of their emotional lives.
The plural of anecdote is not data.
A reduction of meat consumption by only 10% would result in about 12 million more tons of grain for human consumption. This additional grain could feed all of the humans across the world who starve to death each year- about 60 million people!
Lacking a shared language, emotions are perhaps our most effective means of cross-species communication. We can share our emotions, we can understand the language of feelings, and that's why we form deep and enduring social bonds with many other beings. Emotions are the glue that binds.
Without close and reciprocal relationships with other animal beings, we're alienated from the rich, diverse, and magnificent world in which we live.
Make ethical choices in what we buy, do, and watch. In a consumer-driven society our individual choices, used collectively for the good of animals and nature, can change the world faster than laws.
Humans are a part of nature, not apart from nature.
Although other animals may be different from us, this does not make them LESS than us
Let us remember that animals are not mere resources for human consumption. They are splendid beings in their own right, who have evolved alongside us as co-inheritors of all the beauty and abundance of life on this planet
Often, the greater our ignorance about something, the greater our resistance to change.
Animals are not property or "things" but rather living organisms, subjects of a life, who are worthy of our compassion, respect, friendship, and support.
All animals, including humans, have a right to lives of dignity and respect, without forced intrusions.